One Last Chance for Our Fairy Tale Dance Camps!!!

Has your little girl ever sung out loud the perfect, happy ending to her princess story? Or wished she could waltz in a beautiful ballroom wearing a long sparkly ballgown? How many times has she said she wanted to wear a tiara, or wave her magic wand and change a pumpkin into a coach to bring her to the ball? Just in case you missed signing up for our Fairy Tale Dance Camps, you have one last chance to get in on the last four weeks of camps!

Maybe you can’t make your daughter into a real life princess like Princess Kate… But you can give her the gift of an experience that will make her believe she is! With Dance Exploration’s Fairy Tale Dance Camps, she will get to experience a fairy tale story from start to finish. This educational literacy program begins with hearing the story of her favorite Princess and fairy tale. After that, she will sing and dance to some of the famous songs involved in the story, and is given props to act it out! For example, if she is learning about the story of “Cinderella,” she may learn how to sing the song “Bibbedy-Bobbidy-Boo,” learn how to twirl with a magic wand, and turn a pumpkin into a fancy coach to take Cinderella away to the ball. Later, as she plays “dress up” and is given Cinderella’s beautiful tiara and ball gown to dance at the ball in, she will learn more graceful and princess-like dance steps. And, she will actually get the chance to pose in front of Cinderella’s castle and get their picture taken– to always remember her experience as a true Princess!
Cinderella is just one of the many fairy tales Dance Exploration offers as a dance camp. For more info or to register, see our webpage You only have four more weeks of camps to choose from, register today and give your little girl the gift she’ll never forget– the gift of feeling like a real Princess!